
Kids@Peace is our Children's Ministry for kids birth through 5th grade. We provide an environment where kids (and parents) can learn how they learn best, feel comfortable asking questions, for the purpose of getting to know Jesus. When kids join our programs, our amazing volunteers and staff engage them and their families with music, crafts, art, and more, to equip them to lead a life of showing God's love to others.
ages 0 to pre-k
Nursery 0-4 years
Attend Worship or Wednesday classes while your little one is cared for by our trained (and of course background checked) volunteers.
kids peace time (KPT)
Kids Peace Time is a Parent's Day Out ministry of Peace Church. KPT provides parents of young children time away while nurturing their children through social, academic, and spiritual learning opportunities in a Christian environment.
ages 4 to grade 5
Vacation Bible School & Special Events
Each year, we enjoy holding special events with our families such as trunk or treat, holiday programs, bingo nights, game nights and more. Throughout the summer we connect with families through Vacation Bible School, Kids Moment messages during worship, and special community service opportunities.
grades k-5
kids church
Sundays 10am (Sept—May)
On Sundays, kids participate in opening worship with the congregation then are dismissed for engaging activities to further their understanding of Jesus. The curriculum this year is called “Simply Loved.” It contains a Bible verse to learn, a fun kid’s video to watch, and some fun lessons to learn.
kids midweek
Wed 5:30-7:30pm (Sept—April)
We invite families to share a homecooked meal at 5:30pm. At 6:30pm, kids are dismissed for free play in the gym area followed by a variety of games, crafts, & Bible story videos from our curriculum Super Book to engage them in a community of faith.

meet renee
Renee is our Director of Children’s Ministry. Renee has a passion for teaching kids about Jesus and nurturing their growing faith with creative ways of making the Bible come alive.