Employment Opportunities

employment Opportunities

Dear Candidates,

Peace Church is located in Eagan, a southern suburb of St. Paul, MN. We have been blessed to be part of this diverse and ever-changing community for over 60 years. Our mission is "to be and become more like Jesus to help our neighbors know God.” Here's what that looks like for us:

  • Peace is empowered — This congregation initiates ministries and teams out of mutual passion and sense of call.
  • Peace is nurturing — The Care Team is made up of men and women who meet every three weeks to provide updates on those being cared for. Week to week, they write cards, provide rides, visits, food, and prayer for the various needs and concerns of the people connected to Peace Church.
  • Peace is committed — committed to one another, to our community, and to following Jesus even (and especially) when we see things differently.  Peace has a big heart for missions and supports many locally and globally.
  • Peace is courageous — in 1976 families from Peace Church committed to sponsoring Laotian refugees. Then again, in 2022, other members of Peace Church sponsored Afghan refugees and worked to help them settle in Minnesota. Whether it is trying new things, helping with service projects, or caring for those in our community — Peace is a people who say “yes!”
  • Peace is inclusive — there are members of varied races, genders, sexual orientations, economic means, mental capacities, and abilities. All are welcomed and loved in the name of Jesus; this is especially true within our youth group.

There is so much more to share! We invite you check us out on social media, we would love for you to get to know Peace.

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