Peace Kids and Youth
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” -Matthew 19:14
Being and becoming more like Jesus to help our neighbors know God starts with our own kids! If you are feeling led to encourage faith in a new generation, we have opportunities for you! From teaching well known bible stories, crafts and songs to developing engaging curriculum, we help bring faith alive!
Sundays 10am (Sept—May)
On Sundays, kids enjoy opening worship with the congregation then are dismissed for engaging activities to further their understanding of Jesus. The curriculum this year is called Simply Loved. It contains a Bible verse to learn, a fun kid’s video to watch, and some fun lessons to learn.
Wed 5:30-7:30pm (Sept—April)
We invite families to share a homecooked meal at 5:30pm. At 6:30pm, kids are dismissed for free play in the gym area followed by a variety of games, crafts, & Bible story videos from our curriculum Super Book to engage them in a community of faith.
Wed (Sept—May) 5:30-8:30pm & Wed (Jun—Aug) 6-8pm
We invite middle-school and high-school students to gather together, sharing a community meal (Sept—May) before we head to the youth room and ask the hard questions about God, faith, and the world we live in. We emphasize the sharing of your own story as a means toward growth. We often play group games, discuss the joys and challenges of each of our individual lives, hold one another accountable, and build each other up. All are welcome! Contact Brandon for more information.
Mission Trips & Summer Programs
Each summer, we stay connected with our youth through Bible studies, group activities, service projects, and mission trips. We break up the traditional programming to deepen their life of faith with hands on experience.
Typically there is one middle school mission trip, and one high school mission trip in the summer and one combined in the fall.
“For over 25 years, Kids Hope USA has provided a proven, life-changing program through church-school partnerships that train and equip mentors to reach kids in public schools who are in-need of caring, reliable, one-on-one relationships.“ Contact Linda Bogaard for more information.
Each year, we enjoy holding special events with our families such as trunk or treat, holiday programs, easter egg hunt, bingo nights, game nights and more. Throughout the summer we connect with families through vacation Bible school. worship, family fun days, and special community service opportunities.
Wednesdays at 6:30pm for rehearsal, Sundays at 10am for worship. The choir typically sings 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays Sept-May. You may join if you can sing, need to learn to sing, are musical, or working on being musical. We learn a variety of styles, and sing with a variety of instrumental accompaniments. We are a fun bunch always looking for new voices and instrumentalists, so please feel free to join us. Contact staff@peace-eagan.org for more information.
Thursdays at 6:30pm for rehearsal, Sundays at 10am for worship. Peace’s Praise Band is a group of talented singers, accompanied by guitar, bass, keyboard and drums leading songs for worship. The band plays a mix of contemporary worship songs, updated versions of classic hymns and some original compositions.
Usher responsibilities.
Before Worship
- Arrive 10-15 minutes prior to service
- Turn on the lights.
- Check ceiling fans and upper window blinds (adjust as necessary).
- Check with Pastor or leader on any special instructions
- Make sure offering plates are placed at back of church
During Worship
- Take attendance in sanctuary
- Collect offering by passing the plates
After Worship
- Ensure a Deacon has collected the offering from baskets.
- Pick up any Bulletins, remaining papers, etc from the pews
- Also place any extra bulletins in office
- Double check to make sure balcony windows are locked, and turn off lights.
The Hospitality Team prepares coffee and donuts for before and after worship.